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Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Suspect CCAM

Tomogram Phillips MSCT scan 64 slices : Right lung look herniated to left side and puss the heart and mediastinum to the left side

MSCT scan A axial view  mediastinum window 

MSCT scan B : axial view lung window

MSCT scan C  sagital view lung window : Multipel cystic lesion right lung

MSCT scan D sagital view lung window : multipel cystic lesion in right lung
Patient baby 42 days of age with shortness of breath and vomited every time drink milk.

Conclusion : Suspect CCAM (Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation)
                      DD/ Cystic fibrosis / cystic lung diseases / giant bullae

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